Thursday, October 18, 2012

My Love Affair with Beets

So, I've recently become addicted to beets (which isn't a bad thing). However, it's quite funny among my friends and family... See, I've been terrified of beets my whole life, I mean they look like they are bleeding! In fact, I'm pretty sure I have childhood memories of my mother eating beets, and both the look and smell used to make me want to throw up. But now, I eat beets so often, that my boyfriend Tom frequently jokes that instead of dating him, he thinks I'd be better suited with Dwight Shrute (from The Office). Why you ask... because he has a beet farm, duh!

Anyways, back to me and my beets. One of my favorite ways of eating beets, is in a Roasted Beet Salad. I've tried plenty of different versions of this salad in my neighborhood, all of which were great. However, in an ideal world, there were components of each salad that I wanted and some components that I could've done without. So, again, dining out has inspired me and brought me to my local Farmer's Market to buy some bunch beets and greens, and create my own lovely Roasted Beet Salad.

When I buy produce, I like it to have more than one cooking/eating purpose and beets were no exception. So, before going to the Farmer's Market I wanted to be prepared with two recipes. First being, the Roasted Beet Salad. When I got to the Farmer's Market I found a stand that allowed you to create your own bag of mixed greens, genius! I filled my bag with half Arugula, and half Mesculun greens, then also added a handful of Sunflower shoots, because why not! Later, at the grocery store, I also purchased some Granny Smith apples, goat cheese, radishes, and watercress. It wasn't long until I'd be enjoying my own Roasted Beet Salad!

1.) Roasted Beets
2.) Roasted Beet Salad

*I didn't buy a lot of beets, but, I still had some left and I needed a home for them... This is why I always think of two recipes when buying produce.

I'm home in the afternoons during lunch time so I decided to look for a quick lunch idea. Now, just so we all know, I'm a sucker for a healthier, more gourmet take on the traditional Grilled Cheese. So, while researching a second beets recipe (aka, speneding time on Pinterest), I found a recipe for a Beet, Argula, and Goat Cheese Grilled Cheese sandwich............. Umm, yeah. This was perfect and suitable since my love affair with beets stems from my previous fling with goat cheese. Also, I still had some goat cheese and mixed greens I bought earlier. After looking at the recipe I found, I didn't think it needed any major changes. So, I made it fairly similiar to the way it was orginally written.

3.) My Beet, Arugula, and Goat Cheese grilled cheese sandwich

*Planning ahead, is a great way to prevent wasted food! Over-planning (which is what I think I do) is even better!! Please let me know if you have any questions! PS, Regardless of how well you clean your bunch beets, while roasting them, your house will smell like dirt :)


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