Helpful Links

Join your local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)

Look up your local CSA and see what options you have. You may be able to save money, and receive fresh, local produce weekly throughout the season.

Here's my CSA in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, NY

What you Should and Shouldn't buy Organic

I'm sure you hear a lot of hype regarding organic produce. Arm yourself with grocery shopping knowledge by becoming aware of, "The Dirty Dozen" and "The Clean 15". Here's a link with both of these lists, as well as, more information on pesticides and your produce.

"The Dirty Dozen" and "The Clean 15"

Support your local Farmer's Markets

Look up your local Farmer's Market and support your local agriculture. Be mindful when shopping though, just because it's a farmer's market doesn't mean it's organic or cheaper produce. Ask questions and try to bargain!

Here's my local Farmer's Market in Fort Greene, Brooklyn

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