Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Welcome to my blog!

Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog! I've been thinking about starting a blog for about a year now.. Finally, I took the plunge and here I am beginning my blogging journey! Going out to eat is probably my favorite thing to do, especially in Brooklyn. I find it inspiring and I am constantly trying to figure out what I am tasting and why it's so delicious. Unfortuantely, as a struggling student going out to eat can't happen as often as I'd like it to. Also, when you go out to eat, as healthy as food may seem, you can never know everything they put in a dish. Which is usually butter, oil, and salt. So good ol' home cooking is always your best bet! I cook at home a lot, and my freezer is almost always full of prepped foods for the week ahead. I hope to share with you some great recipes that I've created from my always inspiring neighborhood, my own imagination and palette, and adaptations I've made from existing recipes!

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