Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What's for Dinner?

Everyday my boyfriend comes home from work and asks me the same question, "What's for dinner?" I used to enjoy the question when I had more time, but lately with school and work being so hectic, I was beginning to loathe it. I had to figure out a way to make eating healthy fit into our busier than usual lifestyles. I knew my answer was in planning ahead, but I wasn't sure what direction I wanted to take. After making meals day of, then not eating at home or together because of last minute schedule changes, I was wasting food and leftovers, and seeing my money get thrown out because my produce didn't last as long as my ambition. I decided to take a new route, which seems to be working so far.

So here it is: Plan ahead! When I know I have a busy week coming up I make sure to prepare some meals over the weekend. I also cut and clean half of my fruits and veggies for snacking. You never know what life will throw your way, which is why I now choose to freeze most of my prepped meals (even if the plan is to eat whatever you've made in one to two days). This way you know you'll be all set, which allows for unplanned scheduling changes. I looked up some good bulk recipe ideas for starters and my first weekend of doing this I started with three things I wanted to cook.

1.) Homemade Pasta Sauce
2.) Vegan Bulgur Chili
3.) Zucchini Bread

Now, the pasta sauce is a staple in my house. I make it every two weeks and leave one container in the fridge and the other two containers it makes in the freezer. I use this pasta sauce for a variety of things... Naan Pizza, Eggplant Parmesan, Pasta, dipping sauce, etc. I added the Vegan Bulgur Chili for something different, seasonal, and healthy. It made a HUGE batch, yielding around four to five large tupperware containers! But it has many uses, a nice mid-afternoon snack, or an entree by simply adding grilled cheese and mixed greens, or even over boneless skinless chicken breast and brown rice. The possibilities are endless! Finally, the oh-so delicious Zucchini Bread... It is my grandmother's recipe, which has been modified over the years (by her) to become healthier. She has the advantage of having a garden that supplies her with loads of Zucchini, which is why she makes so much of this delicious bread and is constantly trying new ways to make it healthier. Which, by the way, we're not complaining about! Anyways, I decided to make it this past weekend partially for nostalgic reasons, but mostly because zucchini is in season and I could use a good grab and go for the mornings! It made three loaves, so I froze two and left one in the fridge.

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